Top Salesforce Winter '23 Commerce Cloud Features

Businesses now can become more easier and efficient with the Salesforce Winter '23 Commerce Cloud features. New and updated features for B2B and B2B2C commerce, Omnichannel inventory, Salesforce order management, and Salesforce payments are among the improvements made to the Commerce Cloud.
Let's have a look at the features;
B2B and B2B2C Business
To add more languages and sell in more nations, use the expanded global selling features. Utilize the new tax solution that is included to quickly set up taxes. Utilize the updated priority rules and expanded promotion features, such as promotion caps. Get more direction when importing products. Create a B2C store on an existing website and use expressions in the component text fields.
Sell Worldwide and in More Nations
A B2C store has more options when it comes to selecting a country. Per store, only one country can be chosen. Only the nation designated for the store can receive product shipments from B2C stores.
Where: B2B2C Commerce in the Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions are affected by this change.
How: Choose the nation for your B2C store on the Administration General Settings tab of the store. Although the Country field is only relevant for B2C stores, it is still displayed if you have a B2B store.

Quickly Configure Taxes for a Store
You don't need to integrate a third-party tax calculation service for tax percent calculations at the country level if your B2B or B2C store uses gross taxation, with taxes included in product prices. Instead, you can quickly set up the tax rate using the included Salesforce tax solution.
Where: This change affects Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions of B2B Commerce and B2B2C Commerce.
How: Use the Tax Calculation page from the store's Administration tile to select the Salesforce tax solution. Assign a tax policy to the store, and then configure the tax policy's tax rates and tax treatments.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before configuring taxes for your store, we recommend that you consult with a tax expert.

Order Management in Salesforce
Make orders on behalf of customers. Orders are ingested on a large scale. Charge return fees and choose a refund payment method. When rejecting fulfillment order items, you can now record a reason.
Place an order on behalf of a customer
Using a series of API endpoints, you can streamline the ordering process for customers. Instead of instructing customers to place orders themselves, service agents can now place orders directly for them.
Where: This modification affects Lightning Experience in the Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions.
Accept B2C Commerce Orders on a Large Scale
By ingesting up to 5,000 Salesforce B2C Commerce orders per minute and processing up to 2,500 per minute, you can easily handle increased shopper traffic during holidays and sales. The new Pending Order Summary object represents an ingested order that lacks an order summary. To create an order summary without waiting for the automated process, search for and import the pending order summary record in Salesforce.
Where: This modification affects Lightning Experience in the Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions.
When Omnichannel Inventory Is Not Available, Handle B2C Commerce Orders Efficiently
As part of the order placement and routing processes, both the B2C Commerce storefront and Order Management communicate with Omnichannel Inventory. These processes can handle short-term communication issues with exception checking and retries, but longer disruptions may necessitate more intervention to avoid order failures. You can implement a more streamlined process that requires less manual intervention with the updated Omnichannel Inventory Downtime Playbook and package.
Where: This modification affects Lightning Experience in the Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions.
Payments by Salesforce
Salesforce Payments, available for Salesforce B2C Commerce and as a new application on the Salesforce platform, provides shoppers with a smooth and secure checkout experience. Simplify integration with Salesforce B2B2C Commerce and Salesforce Order Management, protect against fraud, and gain data insights from payment documents.
Financial insights can be gained from payment reports and charts.
View payment activity associated with your Stripe merchant account using the Salesforce Payments charts and reports. You can customize which charts appear on the Payments App's home page and jump right to a report. The reports assist you in analyzing your store's financial health. Examine payment data in various combinations and formats, and then share the results with others. You can also make your own updates.
Where: This modification affects Salesforce Payments in the Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions.
Who: Organizations that have purchased Salesforce Payments have access to this feature.
Why: Examine payment history by date, time, and merchant. Examine your store's checkout process by looking at the number of declined and authorized payments.

Salesforce Payments simplifies store checkout.
With Salesforce Payments, a new offering on the Salesforce platform, you can provide shoppers with a simple, secure checkout experience that accepts their preferred payment method. Examine payment transactions and analyze your company's financial health using built-in reports and charts.
Where: This modification affects Salesforce Payments in the Enterprise, Unlimited, and Developer editions.
Who: Organizations that have purchased Salesforce Payments have access to this feature.
How: Enter Payments in the Quick Find box from Setup. Select Enable on the Payments page.
Hence, now B2B and B2B2C businesses can be dealt with seamlessly with the all updated and renewed Salesforce features. If you wish to take your business to new heights by implementing these features into your business, get in touch with our expert team at Apphienz. Visit our website for more information or write to us at in case of any further queries.