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  • Writer's pictureMani Anand

No Code Salesforce and Shopify Integration

Automation relies heavily on integration. Businesses spend a bunch of software over time, each one performing a specific function and making tasks simpler. Businesses will then seek to integrate their systems in order to drive automation and eliminate or reduce manual labor.

Salesforce Shopify Integration will assist you in connecting your CRM with the eCommerce store, automating data flow, and enhancing the functionalities of both systems to give your business stronger.

Shopify is the quintessential E-Commerce platform, offering all of the tools required to launch a complete online store. It enables businesses to set up an online store rapidly and effortlessly. Shopify has become a trusted name for all-in-one E-Commerce solutions, with over 1 million businesses using the platform in over 100 countries.

Benefits of Salesforce Shopify Integration

  • Synchronization of orders and products to aid in inventory management

  • Customers from Shopify can be used to create Salesforce contacts.

  • Get a complete picture of your customer.

  • Execute highly targeted marketing campaigns.

  • Increase your productivity by automating routine tasks.

  • Transmit large amounts of data from the Shopify Store to Salesforce.

  • Store customer information from Shopify into Salesforce, such as name, company, email, and so on.

  • Allow purchases to be produced from both Shopify and Salesforce.

Integration Process

Use the Shopify Data Export Wizard and the Salesforce Data Import Wizard.

1. Log in to your Shopify admin account and navigate to the "Customers" tab, then click "Export."

2. After you've chosen your customers, choose "Plain CSV" as the file format.

3. When you click "Export customers," Shopify will provide you with a CSV file that you can download.

4. Log in to Salesforce and search for "Data Import Wizard."

5. Select the CSV file created in the first step in the next screen.

Make sure that Match Contact by "Email" is selected in the drop-down list.

6. The next step is to map the CSV file's fields to Salesforce Contact object fields. The Shopify CSV file includes first and last names, phone numbers, and email addresses. These fields can be directly mapped to first and last names, phone numbers, and email addresses. Because Shopify lacks Salutation and Title fields, those fields in Salesforce must be left blank.

7. When you click "Next," you will be taken to the job status screen. When the job is completed, your data will be available in Salesforce.

Make use of the Shopify APIs and the Salesforce Bulk APIs.

Shopify has a set of APIs that can be used to export data from the platform. Similarly, Salesforce has an API called Bulk API that assists with data loading from external sources. This method will combine these APIs in order to complete the Shopify to Salesforce Integration.

1. Note the key and password in the Admin API section of the Shopify Admin console.

2. To view the list of customers, use the CURL command below.

3. To format the JSON into a CSV, you will use a command-line JSON processor.

4. You will now load the data using the Salesforce Bulk API. You will begin the sequence by creating the login configuration file. Make the following file and name it login.txt.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<env:Envelope xmlns:xsd=""




<n1:login xmlns:n1="">






5. The next step is to log in using the configuration file mentioned above.

6. Now create the configuration file that will be used to launch the Bulk API.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<jobInfo xmlns="">





Save the preceding content as job.txt.

7. Initiate the Bulk API request using the above configuration file.

curl -H "X-SFDC-Session: sessionId" -H "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8" -d @job.txt

Take note of the job-id that appears in response to this command for future reference.

8. Insert data into the above job using the CSV file created in step 3.

curl -H "X-SFDC-Session: sessionId" -H "Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8" --data-binary @shopify_customers.csv

Use the job-id obtained in the previous steps. If you need to split the job into multiple batches, use the same command with multiple files to add more batches.

9. To check the status of the job, use the CURL command below.

curl -H "X-SFDC-Session: sessionId"

Shopify has a set of APIs that can be used to export data from the platform. Similarly, Salesforce has an API called Bulk API that assists with data loading from external sources. The above method will combine these APIs in order to complete the Shopify to Salesforce Integration.

This is how you can integrate Salesforce with Shopify with two different methods seamlessly and effortlessly to make your work easy and efficient.

If you are looking to integrate Salesforce and Shopify into your system, get in touch with our experts at Apphienz today. We will help with all sorts of integration processes to make your manual tasks even more smoother.

Visit our website to learn more about us and write to us in case of any further queries. Read about our various No Code integrations here.

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