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  • Writer's pictureTejkaran Singh

Top Salesforce Spring '23 Service Cloud Features

With the all-new Salesforce Spring '23 Service Cloud features discover new capabilities that will assist you and your team provide efficient, high-quality service. Share links, questions with options, appointment time slots, post-conversation polls, and more using messaging components available in improved Facebook Messenger channels and Messaging for In-App and Web.

Service Cloud Voice call handling time has been reduced by activating real-time actions based on intelligence signals detected during calls.

Einstein Conversation Mining uses the power of Einstein to save you time on time-consuming transcript analysis. With the Slack Conversations component, you can send, receive, and view Slack messages directly within Lightning Experience. When an incident happens, send internal notifications via new broadcast alerts and broadcast Slack messages.

CRM Analytics out-of-the-box dashboards can be used to measure knowledge ROI. Assist agents in locating and connecting calls to leads, contacts, or employees, including a screen flow template.

In this blog, we will discover all the latest features in detail;

User verification enables authenticated users to access messaging for in-app and web history.

When you construct JSON keysets with User Verification, you may safely link your clients to their own message history. The Messaging for Web discussion history is extended by this feature from a six-hour to an endless display period. Messaging for In-App keeps your message history visible for an infinite amount of time.

Where: The Enterprise Edition of the Service Cloud with Digital Engagement and Messaging for In-App and Web SKUs has this capability. The Messaging for In-App and Web SKU in Service Cloud Unlimited and Performance editions are also affected by this change.

Who: User Verification can be configured for a mobile app or external website by administrators with the Customize Application authority. Experience sites cannot use User Verification.

How: To generate a keyset, upload JSON web keys to the User Verification setup page (1). Next, enable User Verification and choose the keyset from the setup page for messaging settings (2). Utilize the APIs we offer to deliver the customer token to Salesforce from your website or mobile application.

User Verification enables customers to examine their message history after logging into your website and initiating a messaging session.

Discover Conversation Mining with Einstein (Beta)

Discover the most frequent requests made by your clients using the power of Einstein and the conversation data from Service Cloud. You may create reports utilizing any field on your record and Einstein Conversation Mining to base them on facts about your audience. Einstein sorts and ranks the requests, locating the most common and straightforwardly automatable contact causes. Next, transmit the conversation information from the contact reason to Einstein Bots or a set of intents.

Where: The Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience are all affected by this change. Einstein Conversation Mining setup is only accessible through Lightning Experience.

Why: Transcript analysis takes weeks now and is replaced by Einstein Conversation Mining. You may adapt bots to meet the demands of various customers by allowing you to create several reports based on filters applied to the same data source.

How: Enter Einstein Conversation Mining in the Quick Find box in Setup, then click Einstein Conversation Mining to continue. After that, enable Einstein Conversation Mining to participate.

A minimum of 2,500 records with a recognizable contact cause are needed for Einstein Conversation Mining. Chats that lack a clear contact purpose, such as fragmented conversations with no clear business application, are excluded by Einstein Conversation Mining. After any filters are applied, Einstein Conversation Mining needs 2,500 records in order to provide a report.

Review the Slack App features for Service Cloud.

Utilize the Service Cloud for Slack app to quickly respond to client issues from Slack. New functions include the ability to integrate Slack conversations into a Salesforce record, create knowledge articles from Slack messages, and create Customer Service Incident Management records directly from Slack.

Where: This modification is applicable to Service Cloud's Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of the Lightning Experience. They were placed in Slack after being cleared for use by a workplace admin.

Optimization of Omni-Channel Flows.

Profit from the improvements to Omni-Channel flows.

Where: For the Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Lightning Experience, this update is applicable.

Why: It is now simpler to create efficient Omni-Channel flows thanks to these developments.

Prior to now, a single work record would be routed by the Route Work action in an Omni-Channel flow, but now you can route documents in bulk. Place one or more records to be routed in a variable. The flow rolls back the changes and routes none of the records when you provide a collection of documents and it can't locate one of them.

Instead of picking individual abilities from a list on the Add Skill Requirements action, specify them using a variable that holds the list of skills. The fallback queue can also be specified using a variable in a Route Work action that routes to a bot. You can decide on one queue to serve as the backup queue for all routed items. Whenever a work item is routed, use a variable to set the queue dynamically.

Build smaller flows as Subflow elements and include them in your Omni-Channel flows to handle repetitive chores in your Omni-Channel flows. Subflows weren't supported before in Omni-Channel flows.

Broadcast Slack Messages and Alerts to Distribute Incident Updates Internally

Utilizing new broadcast types for Customer Service Incident Management, send out a mass email to internal stakeholders and pertinent teams. Incident teams can deliver timely, pre-written progress reports to interested parties and save time by automating the process of updating stakeholders with broadcast Slack messages. Incident managers can issue obtrusive in-app notifications via broadcast alerts to make the appropriate teams aware of incidents.

Where: Lightning Experience in Service Cloud's Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions are affected by this change.

How: Activate and configure broadcast Slack alerts and messages from the Customer Service Incident Management setup page. There is no way to customize broadcast messages in Slack or notifications. To track, report on, and audit your incident response, you should develop a broadcast communication and broadcast audience record.

Analysis of the CRM Analytics Draft Knowledge Articles

With the help of CRM Analytics, knowledge managers may now get a complete list of all written and published articles. It used to be challenging to fully assess the knowledge base of your firm because only published papers were available for reporting.

Where: All Salesforce Knowledge versions in Production, Sandbox, and Development instances are affected by this modification.

How: In CRM Analytics knowledge reports, knowledge pieces having a Draft publication status are automatically displayed. Add a filter to exclude the Draft publication status to only display articles that have been published.

Eliminate Duplicate Cases using Email-To-Lightning Case Threading

Using a combination of token- and header-based threading, the novel Email-to-Case threading technique known as "lightning threading" matches incoming emails to cases. Using this method, Email-to-Case can identify related cases and avoid creating a new case when one already exists.

Where: The Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions of Lightning Experience are all affected by this change.

Why: By inserting a token, a structured string that complies with Salesforce security standards into the email body or subject of an outgoing email on a case, Lightning threading inserts a token. Email-to-Case searches for tokens in customer responses to match incoming messages to pertinent cases. Email-to-Case also looks for metadata in the email headers if a match cannot be made. Email-to-Case then produces a new case if the combination of token- and header-based threading is unable to locate a matching case.

How: Email-to-Case uses Lightning threading if your organization was founded in Spring '23 or later. Find out which threading model is being used in Setup under Email-to-Case settings to activate it in existing orgs.

Threading for ref ID. If you see Insert thread ID in the email subject and Insert thread ID in the email body in the Email-to-Case options, you are utilizing Ref ID threading. Through a Release Update, Lightning threading can be enabled. The release update determines email preferences for threading tokens based on the matching Ref ID settings for email subjects and body if Do Not Auto-enable New Features is disabled.

Header-Based Threading. You are already using one aspect of Lightning threading if you switched from Ref ID to header-based threading or if your organization was founded between Winter 21 and Winter 23. Turn on Insert email threading token in the email subject, Insert email threading token in the email body, or both in Email-to-Case options to add token-based threading.

To conclude, these Service Cloud's latest features are sure to make your day-to-day tasks easy and efficient. If you are on the lookout to implement these features in your company or organization, get in touch with our experts at Apphienz. Visit our website to know more about our services.


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